Thursday, July 9, 2009

Obama has no vision for Africa….

I watched President Obama’s interview with allafrica with dismay and soreness. Barack Obama for the first time looks like he had no clue of what he was saying and appears like he was reading a script with no understanding of the African Continent and its people. When he spoke with Middle East people he had a precise idea and message he wanted to send out but sadly the same can not be said about Africa in his interview. It was so bizarre to the extent that the journalist who interviewed him had to keep on asking about his aim and legacy for the continent but he had no concrete responds. More insulting he kept on referring to the Continent as “the African people”. President Obama wants more aid and a partnership with Africa yet failed to underline what sort of partnership and worst of all he showed he does not care about the detriment aid causes to the continent. Evidently, aid to Africa has made the poor poorer and has contributed significantly to corruption as well as hampering the development of the continent. In the era where many are calling for less aid and more investments I would have thought that Obama would make the idea of investment as the main purpose and vision for Africa. He said he is not a believer in excuses and the Zimbabwe economy was not destroyed by the west: again depicting his lack of knowledge or disregard for Zimbabwean people who just wants a piece of their land which rightly belong to them.

This is sad coming from a man who call’s himself African American and yet he refers to Africans as “the African people”. Obama totally ignores and snubs the pain that Africa has been put through by the west without any acknowledgement of the fact that most African dictators are supported by the West. He completely rejected the undeniable unwavering support by the West to leaders such as Mwai Kibaki, late President Bongo and Mugabe (that is before he wanted his land) which has contributed to the lack of democratic governance in Africa. He portrays Africa in the darkest light as if I’m watching Joe Biden or Sarah Palin talk about Africa. Obama’s interview has embolden the West who preys and keep preying on the continent. Nonetheless, I’m hopeful that the new generation of African would see the West for what they really are whether they come as a wolf covered in the sheep’s skin or as a vulture painted white looking like a dove. President George W. Bush is the true friend of Africa as weird as it may sound it is the fact. African should weep and not rejoice for Obama visit to Africa. His visit to Africa is just a symbolic visit lacking respect, dignity, friendship or vision for the continent. President Obama spat on Mother Africa just to put it mildly. May God have mercy on Africa the Beautiful and the riches continent in God’s universe and save it from the illusory aim of the West.

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